Sell Digital Services Just Like Products From Your WordPress EDD Store

Sell Digital Services Just Like Product From Your WordPress EDD Store

If you have heard of WordPress or have a WordPress site of your own, you must be very well aware of this amazing plugin, Easy Digital Downloads that allows you to sell digital products via your EDD store. But honestly, Easy Digital Downloads is not just limited to selling digital products. With the help of EDD dedicated addon like EDD Sell Services, you can also extend your store to selling digital services from your WordPress website.

From selling designing, development, voice-over services to services like content writing, consultation, and others, this add-on will offer you a fully-functional solution. In this article, we will discuss how you can sell digital services from your WordPress EDD Store.

Introducing EDD Sell Services Addon For Easy Digital Download

Services – Sell Services with WP

EDD Sell Services is a dedicated Easy Digital Downloads add on that allows you to sell a service just like a product from your EDD Store. With this ad-on, you can sell all your services that require to download and upload by your customers and have a set timeline and also require further conversation for an order to process and complete effectively. It is a very useful plugin for your EDD store and offers a variety of features to sell digital services such as:

Various Admin Options

EDD settings

Before telling you what this add-on offers for vendors and customers, let us walk you through various admin settings that he can simply enable or disable as per his needs. Moreover, if you are a seller and an admin yourself, you can use these settings as you wish. The various admin options include:

  • Setting Up Manage Order Page
  • Enable Emails On Conversation
  • Enable Live Notifications
  • Display Reviews On Single Product Page
  • Change Images For Each Order Status

Vendor And Customer Capabilities

Other than the above-mentioned options, this plugin also offers many useful features for vendors and customers. EDD Sell Services extends the capabilities of your EDD store by providing features like:

Service Just Like A Product


EDD Sell Services once activated adds a “Service” section in the “Add Downloads” page to allow vendors to sell services just like other digital products. So, they do not need to do anything extra to add service on their site.

Adding Multiple Requirement Questions:

Order Requirements

A very important aspect of selling services online is to let the vendor know about any requirements that will be needed for a service to start. Therefore, EDD Sell Services allows a vendor to add multiple questions with varying question types from the backend to be answered by the customer to process the service properly.

A Dedication Conversation Channel:


Another very useful feature that this add-on offers is adding a dedicated chat section to allow vendors and customers to communicate with each other in real-time. This feature makes it easy for customers to easily converse with the vendor via this section and clear his doubts in one place.

Tabular Order Management:

manage service edd

This feature lets customers and vendors manage each of their services in tabular format from a Manage Service section offered by the plugin. With the help of a simple shortcode, you can output a whole Manage Service page on your store to allow your vendors and customers to manage each service and take action for each.

Email Triggers And Live Notifications:


To keep vendors and customers updated about their orders in real-time so that they can take quick action, EDD Sell Services also allows vendors and customers to receive live notifications about the current status of each service. It also sends emails to both parties for each conversation trigger related to the service.

Adding Reviews and Ratings:

review and ratings edd sell services

Another very useful feature that this plugin provides is giving an option to customers to add ratings and reviews for the service provided by the vendor. It also allows a vendor to add a review for his customer. These reviews can be displayed on a single product page as well.

A Dedicated Service Status Widget

Service status

EDD Sell Services also provides customers and vendors with a dedicated service status widget that displays the current status of the order in real-time such as Order started, the order in progress, etc.

Take Your Digital Services Online With EDD Addon

EDD Sell Services is a very affordable and easy to use dedicated addon for Easy Digital Downloads. It offers you multiple selling and purchasing features all in one solution. Using this add-on on your EDD store can help in gaining more prospective customers to your site as well as can improve your brand loyalty by offering them personalized buying experience All you need to do sell services online is to install this addon on your EDD store.